New Hope recently celebrated the Confirmation of seven wonderful young adults, 1 young adult initiated through profession of faith and baptism and two new members who reaffirmed publicly the faith proclaimed in their baptism and confirmation.
Congratulations to all!
Congratulations to all!

Our Latest Confirmation Class Confirmation Class
If you are interested here are some of their learning opportunities:
Check out:
United Church of Canada website –
Look for
Who We Are: United Church Theology (in your binder)
Overview of Beliefs
The New Creed
The Song of Faith
Facebook –United Church of Canada Youth and Young Adults
Wonder Café–
Seasons of the Spirit and Spirit Sightings –
New Hope United Church –
They also worked through the Lenten Bible Study which is available upon request (and produced yearly)
Other Questions for the class:
What does the United Church crest signify?
Who designed New Hope's 'logo'?
Why are there two differing accounts of Jesus' birth?
Let's find out about Constantine, The Councils of Nicea & Hippo and Martin Luther